Is biting nails bad for you?
Nail biting, also known as onychophagia, is one of the most common habits among various age groups, including children, teens and young adults. It is generally triggered by stress, excitement, boredom or inactivity. It can also be a learned behavior from family members. It is the most common of the typical “nervous habits,” along with thumb sucking, hair pulling or twisting, tooth grinding or picking at one’s skin.

What you may not know about biting your nails:
About half of all children between the ages of 10 and 18 have been nail biters at one time or another.
Nail biting occurs most often during puberty.
Boys bite their nails more often than girls after the age of 10.
Experts estimate that about 30% of children and about 15% of adults chew their nails.

That being said, nail biting is unhealthy for your teeth. Here’s why:
It’s unsanitary. Fingernails are home to bacteria and germs. Your nails are almost twice as dirty as your fingers. Hence, biting your nails is just asking for germs and bacteria. It is related to dental problems such as gingival injury. It can also transfer pinworms or bacteria buried under the surface of the nail to your mouth. When bitten-off nails are swallowed, stomach problems can develop.
Something to chew on. Nail biting causes your teeth to constantly be chewing, wearing them down faster than a non-nail biter, while putting a large amount of stress on your front teeth. This can then contribute to malocclusion of the anterior teeth.
No worries. You CAN stop!

How to stop?
Now that you know how harmful and costly nail biting can be, it’s time to take action to break your bad habit. Try our innovative Stop Biting Nails!
Invisible Stop Biting Nails appliance is comfortable to wear and allow gentle and precise tooth movement.
- It helps to break the nail biting habit.
- Simple use & quick results!